Atmo is an open source web service framework that uses functions written in your favorite languages to build powerful cloud applications. A declarative format lets you build your app with no boilerplate code. Modern tooling compiles your code to WebAssembly and makes it easy to deploy using bundles.
\n\"Atmo uses a file known as a 'Directive' to describe all aspects of your application, including how to chain functions to handle requests. You can write your functions using several languages to be run atop Atmo, as it is built to use WebAssembly modules as the unit of compute. Atmo will automatically scale out to handle your application load, and includes all sorts of tooling and built-in best practices to ensure you're getting the best performance and security without needing to write a single line of boilerplate ever again.\" - Suborbital Blog
\n","project":{"name":"Atmo","logo_url":"https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5942370/97611488-a10ea580-19ec-11eb-9178-a6b17c151230.png","website":"https://suborbital.dev","description":"Atmo is a platform and framework for building cloud applications based on functions compiled to WebAssembly and composed declaratively.","keywords":"server orchestration functions faas serverless cloud k8s kubernetes docker","key":"atmo","createdDate":1612467976000}}}