Quantified Self is using WebAssembly, as they need it to uncompress the compressed files uploaded to their service that contains the data that is viewed and compared. This is a great use case for WebAssembly, as WebAssembly offers predictable performance over JavaScript. Meaning, CPU intensive, or heavy processing tasks like (de)compression can greatly benefit from WebAssembly. Quantified Self saw ~1.5x speedup on decompressing files when running a WebAssembly implementation vs. the old JavaScript implementation!
","project":{"name":"Quantified Self","logo_url":"/assets/showcase-assets/quantified-self.png","source_url":"https://github.com/jimmykane/quantified-self","website":"https://quantified-self.io/home","description":"Quantified Self is a tool for importing viewing and comparing tcx, fit and json files from activity trackers and smart-watches.","keywords":"compression zip tar decompression decompress compress file handling unzip production library zlib","key":"quantified-self","createdDate":1580802151000}}}