This is a great example of WebAssembly, as it shows off how you can take large applications in a language other than JavaScript and bring them to the web by writing a thin UI layer in Javascript! Even for programs like Vim, which are highly dependant of system level API access.
\nPlease see the Source Code for additional resources as well!
","project":{"name":"vim.wasm","logo_url":"https://github.com/rhysd/vim.wasm/raw/wasm/wasm/images/vim-wasm-logo-128x128.png","website":"https://rhysd.github.io/vim.wasm/","source_url":"https://github.com/rhysd/vim.wasm","description":"This project is an experimental fork of Vim editor by @rhysd","keywords":"vim text editor emscripten c c++ plus events web api","key":"vim-wasm","createdDate":1580634405000}}}