Each wheel part is compiled to WebAssembly from a different language and is loaded completely independently (using JavaScript). The compiled code for each wheel part contains two functions: name() - returning the name of the wheel part (i.e., the programming language) and feelingLucky() - returning a random number from 1 to 100. The project aims to show how simple code can be compiled to WebAssembly for different programming languages.
","project":{"name":"Wheel of WebAssembly","logo_url":"https://github.com/boyanio/wasm-wheel/raw/master/assets/wasm-wheel-screenshot.jpg","website":"https://boyan.io/wasm-wheel/","source_url":"https://github.com/boyanio/wasm-wheel/","description":"The Wheel of WebAssembly aims to show the diversity of languages that compile to WebAssembly in a fun way.","keywords":"wasm programming language example examples webassembly playground","key":"wasm-wheel","createdDate":1574713314000}}}