Wasm3 allows running WebAssembly everywhere (supports a wide range of architectures). In fact, it can run on network equipment, routers, modems, microcontrollers, IoT devices, game consoles and much more. Wasm3 can be embedded into any desktop or smartphone application and serve as a scripting engine. Or, it can be used to achieve WebAssembly self-hosting (literally, running WebAssembly on top of WebAssembly).
\nHave fun 😉
","project":{"name":"Wasm3","logo_url":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wasm3/wasm3/master/extra/logo.png","source_url":"https://github.com/wasm3/wasm3","description":"A tiny, universal and blazingly fast WebAssembly interpreter written in C 🚀","keywords":"fast tiny small high performance interpreter runtime wasi server side server-side rust c c++ cpp assemblyscript go tinygo swift ios android routers network equipment embedded mcu microcontroller esp32 esp8266 arm aarch64 mips riscv risc-v xtensa iot internet-of-things docker container sandbox","key":"wasm3","createdDate":1580973471000}}}