Wasmer is a runtime for WebAssembly supporting multiple backends. This allows for running wasmer for standalone, or by embedding the runtime to run webassembly in one of your projects in multiple languages. Wasmer supported both the WASI (WebAssembly System Interface) ABI, as well as the Emscripten ABI.
\nServer side runtimes for WebAssembly highlight the portability of WebAssembly. WebAssembly provides a compile target for multiple languages to be used in many different contexts. This also allows for some level of containerization of your application or library, due to the sandboxed nature of WebAssembly's linear memory, and Capability-based security model.
","project":{"name":"Wasmer","logo_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/44205449?s=200&v=4","source_url":"https://github.com/wasmerio/wasmer","website":"https://wasmer.io/","description":"Wasmer is a universal, server-side WebAsembly runtime for WASI and the Emscripten ABI. With many language intreations, and a Wasmer-JS WASI Stack.","keywords":"runtime wasi server side server-side emscripten language python c# rust c c++ go golang ruby php postgres javascript js .net r swift containers docker container containerization","key":"wasmer","createdDate":1574577034000}}}