WebAssembly.sh uses WebAssembly, by running WebAssembly modules that are compiled for the WebAssembly System interface (WASI) using Wasmer-JS. It can then provide a shell-like interface, by running WASI compiled modules, similar like how you would on a native unix operating system. This is amazing, as it highlights how WebAssembly and WASI make existing and new projects more portable, and allow them to run on platforms that they could not before, even when using system level APIs!
","project":{"name":"Webassembly.sh","logo_url":"https://github.com/wasmerio/webassembly.sh/blob/master/src/assets/icon.png?raw=true","source_url":"https://github.com/wasmerio/webassembly.sh","website":"https://webassembly.sh/","description":"Open-source and installable PWA terminal powered by WebAssembly, WAPM, and Wasmer-JS 🖥","keywords":"runtime wasi server side server-side emscripten language python c# rust c c++ go ruby php postgres javascript js .net r swift containers docker container containerization","key":"webassembly-sh","createdDate":1574679562000}}}