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134 projects
Default WebAssembly Project logo

Fluence Compute Engine

engine for running multi-module WebAssembly applications with interface-types support
Pion logo


Pure Go implementation of the WebRTC API
Default WebAssembly Project logo

Introduction to WebAssembly Text

An introduction to writing programs directly in WebAssembly Text
Rust Fern Bench logo

Rust Fern Bench

WebVR compatible 3D app for benchmarking fractal computation with Rust and WebAssembly.
Default WebAssembly Project logo


A framework for building WebAssembly apps in Rust
SketchUp logo


SketchUp is a 3D modeling program for multiple drawing applications.
sqlite logo


SQLite compiled to WebAssembly through Clang+WASI
rTexPacker logo


A simple and easy-to-use textures packer and font atlas generator
rTexViewer logo


A simple and easy-to-use textures viewer and formats converter
Quantified Self logo

Quantified Self

Quantified Self is a tool for importing viewing and comparing tcx, fit and json files from activity trackers and smart-watches.
Sandspiel logo


Sanspiel is a falling sand game, written with Rust / WebAssembly with ~ 2 million page views monthly
rGuiIcons logo


A simple and easy-to-use raygui icons editor
Default WebAssembly Project logo


Build frontend web apps with Ruby
RenPyWeb logo


Cross-platform game engine with a web export powered by WebAssembly
GDevelop logo


GDevelop is an open-source, cross-platform game engine designed to be used by everyone.
Tarmac logo


Framework and Toolkit for building distributed services and functions with Web Assembly
Default WebAssembly Project logo

Tiny Emulators

8-bit chip and system emulators
ogv.js logo


Free and open media decoders and players
Web Audio Modules logo

Web Audio Modules

Synthesizers and audio effects processors for web browsers
Envoy logo


Extending Envoy with WebAssembly
WasmEdge(Formerly SSVM) logo

WasmEdge(Formerly SSVM)

WasmEdge(hosted by CNCF) is a lightweight, high-performance, and extensible WebAssembly runtime.
1Password logo


1Password used WebAssembly to speed up their browser plugin
uBlock Origin logo

uBlock Origin

An efficient blocker add-on for various browsers. Fast, potent, and lean.
LiveSplit logo


A sleek, highly customizable timer for speedrunners
ONNX.js logo


Run ONNX Nearal Networks in the browser