All Projects
- Porous Absorber Calculator
- 1Password
- JavaScriptCore
- Uno Platform
- Ableton Learning Synths
- Amped Studio
- Arxwasm
- Atmo
- AutoCAD Web App
- Avocode
- Binjgb
- Blazor
- Boa
- CapCut Web
- Google Ink
- CityBound
- Cloudflare Workers
- Commander Keen
- Construct 3
- D3Wasm
- Diabloweb
- Ebay Mobile Web Barcode Scanner
- Envoy
- Esri client-side projection engine
- Faust IDE
- Fluence Compute Engine
- Figma
- File Converter
- Filament
- Plotting Fractals in WebAssembly
- Funky Karts
- Game of Life
- GDevelop
- Gio
- Google Earth
- inNative
- JavaScript/WASM Performance Comparison
- Kubewarden
- jqkungfu
- Letter Opener - 📎 Winmail.dat, MSG and EML Viewer
- libsodium.js
- lichess
- LiveSplit
- Lucet
- Lumin
- magnum engine
- Makepad
- meshoptimizer
- Micrio
- Mono
- Near Protocol
- Nox
- MongoDB Compass
- ogv.js
- ONNX.js
- Open Policy Agent (OPA)
- OpenCascade.js
- OpenCV
- OpenSSL.js
- CIB pdf standalone
- PDFTron WebViewer
- Percy
- Picovoice
- 8th Wall
- Pion
- Prism
- QT
- Quantified Self
- raylib
- Pyodide
- Redis
- RenPyWeb
- rFXGen
- rGuiIcons
- rGuiLayout
- rGuiStyler
- rIconPacker
- rTexPacker
- rTexViewer
- Ruffle
- RustPython
- Rust Fern Bench
- Sandspiel
- SketchUp
- Smithy
- Soundation
- sql-practice
- sql.js
- sqlite
- Squoosh
- ssheasy
- stdlib
- Superpowered
- Tarmac
- Tensorflow
- Tic tac toe
- Tiny Emulators
- TinyGo
- uBlock Origin
- Unicorn.js
- Unity
- VaporBoy
- vim.wasm
- vlc.js
- WAForth
- Vugu
- wasm-astar
- wasm-flate
- Wasm Sudoku Solver
- Wheel of WebAssembly
- WASM-Crypto
- WASM-4
- Wasm3
- WasmBoy
- Wasm By Example
- wasmCloud
- WasmEdge(Formerly SSVM)
- Wasmer
- Wasmtime
- Introduction to WebAssembly Text
- Web Audio Modules
- WebAssembly Music Experiment - Peter Salomonsen
- WebAssembly Studio
- webm/mp4 Encoder
- Wee8